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Jon Angin, Los Altos Garbage Company, agreed with Dauber and stated that the <br />correction would be made to reflect no increase in universal service. He also <br />referred to the residents on Rhus Ridge and noted that currently they were each <br />paying about $1 less than the minimum one can service. <br />Casey commented that she wanted to meet with Mr. Angin to discuss non- <br />mandatory solid waste services to Woodside and Portola Valley. At this meeting <br />she would also like to have present representatives of those residents who are <br />concerned about the yardwaste center issue. She too was sure that this center was <br />being used by non residents of the Town. Casey further commented on the <br />exemptions once granted to residents for garbage service and she inquired about the <br />corrected lien report the garbage company was to have prepared. Siegel stated that <br />he did not plan to bring this lien issue back to the Council until next year at tax roll <br />time (August). Dauber suggested bringing the lien issue back to Council now rather <br />than waiting until next year even if it could not go on the tax roll until then. <br />Stephanie Munoz, 13460 Robleda, discussed garbage service in general and the <br />yardwaste center in particular. She recommended turning the garbage service back <br />to private enterprise and allowing Los Altos Garbage Company to charge whatever it <br />wanted to residents who wanted their services. Mrs. Munoz did not support <br />mandatory service. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution k75-95 setting the rates for solid waste and <br />recyclables collection service with the following corrections to the rate schedule: <br />removal of universal column reflecting increases to universal service; delete line <br />items reflecting each additional 100' and no stops with service charge; add universal <br />line item at $15.95; and add Rhus Ridge line item stating $27.48 x 13 households. <br />12. ADIOURNMENT <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council <br />Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia <br />Patricia Dowd / <br />City Clerk <br />The minutes of the September 6, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting were <br />approved at the September 20, 1995 Regular City Council Meeting. <br />�hr September 6, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />10 <br />