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5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />5.1 Discussion of changes to conditions of approval regarding landscaping, <br />landscaping maintenance and outdoor lighting <br />Bob Owen, developer, commented on the proposed conditions on landscaping. He <br />believed having to provide a complete landscape plan prior to final could be quite a <br />hardship on applicants. It was difficult to see the whole picture of the property <br />before the house was done or at least almost completed. In addition contractors are <br />delivering supplies, etc. as the house is nearing completion and this does not help <br />new landscaping. Mr. Owen also noted that weather could delay putting in <br />landscaping. Mr. Owen referred to the phrase in the landscaping condition which <br />stated subsequent to framing and/or grading and/or installation of hardscape. He <br />considered grading the beginning of a house and suggested removing this phrase to <br />avoid confusion in future years. <br />Council discussed the proposed conditions. Casey asked how big a problem it was <br />that residents did not put in their landscaping. While she acknowledged that there <br />were a few properties that had no landscaping, she believed almost all residents <br />were anxious to complete their landscaping. The Planning Director responded that <br />there were a significant number of properties which did not have the landscaping <br />done and the issue at hand was particularly landscaping for screening and erosion <br />control. Dauber commented that sometimes people overextended and she believed <br />it was important to have the landscaping put in before other amenities were done <br />for the house. <br />Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena Road, believed there was a problem with terminology. The <br />word "mitigation" was no longer being used. Instead the word "screening" was <br />being used. She noted that originally the purpose of mitigation was to make the <br />project look a little better, not to hide something by, for example, putting a single <br />row of trees along a property line. <br />Jean Struthers, 13690 Robleda Road, concurred with Mrs. Stutz and noted that the <br />old wording was "Mitigation to soften the view from off-site." <br />Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain, commented on the impact on neighbors <br />especially of such issues as lighting which occurred in part because the landscaping <br />was not completed. <br />Guy Jinkerson, Chairman of the Environmental Design and Protection Committee, <br />supported the modified conditions as recommended by staff. They believed there <br />was a responsibility of new neighbors and developers to present neighbors. <br />September 6, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />