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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
4/20/2016 1:41:01 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 10:05:45 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Council discussed the costs of landscaping and the financial burden this could place <br />on applicants. It was agreed that the Planning Director should review applications <br />and arrive at average costs for landscaping and bring back a recommenation on <br />maximum limits for landscape installation and maintenance deposits. Further it <br />was agreed that the landscape condition should be modified to reflect that all <br />landscaping for screening and erosion control should be installed prior to final <br />inspection unless the Planning Director finds that unusual circumstances require <br />delay such as weather. A further modification to be made to the landscaping <br />condition was to state that plantings should be used to break up the view of the new <br />residence from the surrounding properties and streets. <br />Council directed the Planning Director the rewrite the landscape and landscape <br />maintenance conditions and bring them back to Council for approval. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />6.1 Request to allow a vineyard in a conservation easement, Lands of <br />Kresek, 13470 Carillo Lane <br />Mr. Robert Kresek, applicant, asked if the following statement could be added to the <br />proposed conditions of approval: "Upon approval of the Planning Director and City <br />Engineer of a plan to landscape the right-of-way along La Cresta Drive and Carillo <br />Lane with a native vegetation border, the vineyard may be planted up to the <br />`r property line." <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and <br />passed unanimously to approve the request to allow a vineyard in a conservation <br />easement on Lands of Kresek at 13470 Carillo Lane subject to the conditions of <br />approval recommended by staff in the 9/6/95 report with the following <br />modifications: Add the following statement to Condition #4: "Upon approval of the <br />Planning Director and City Engineer of a plan to landscape the right-of-way along La <br />Cresta Drive and Carillo Lane with a native vegetation border, the vineyard may be <br />planted up to the property line."; require that the conservation easement <br />modification be recorded; and delete Condition #5 as follows: "The applicant shall <br />provide a $2,500 landscape deposit with the Town prior to any work occurring in the <br />conservation easement to assure that the vineyard is installed per the above <br />recommendations. 50% of the deposit will be refunded upon the satisfactory <br />installation of all plant materials and a letter from DeVine Consultants certifying <br />that installation occurred in accordance with their recommendations. The <br />remaining 50% will be refunded one year after the initial refund, if the plants and <br />vineyard have been adequately maintained." <br />6.2 Request for direction on whether the Town should solicit a proposal for <br />providing polices services from the Los Altos Police Department <br />1%W September 6, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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