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Dr. Hwong, applicant, stated that he was willing to work on a compromise with the <br />conditions of approval as recommended by the Planning Commission. In particular <br />he did not agree with lowering the trellis or the height of the fence. He also <br />commented that the light he was required to move was there when he bought the <br />house and had no connection with the sports court. <br />Council discussed the condition addressing the removal of the light and agreed that <br />this was a code enforcement issue and not related to the sports court. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and <br />passed unanimously to delete recommended condition 46: "Prior to acceptance of <br />plans for building plan check, the existing lights on the walkway steps to Clausen <br />Court must be removed." <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to approve the request for a Site Development <br />Permit for a sports court for Lands of Hwong at 12813 Clausen Court, subject to the <br />conditions of approval recommended by the Planning Commission and amended as <br />follows: trellis height changed from 9.5' to I1'; fence height changed from 8'to 10'; <br />condition #6 deleted and the second sentence of condition #7 changed to read: "The <br />recorded restriction will be prepared by the Planning Department and shall be signed <br />and notarized by the property owners prior to issuance of permits." <br />AYES: Mayor Siegel and Councilmembers Casey and Johnson <br />NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Hubbard and Councilmember Dauber <br />11.2 Setting Rates for Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection Service -- <br />Reso #_ <br />The City Manager referred to the staff report dated 9/6/95 which included the <br />recommendation that Council approve a rate increase for solid waste services by <br />1.94%. This rate increase was authorized in the Settlement Agreement approved in <br />December of 1994. In addition to this increase in the rate table, the Los Altos Garbage <br />Company was requesting a 1.94% increase for all other solid waste services to the <br />Town and the City Manager recommended approval of this increase as being a <br />reasonable request. <br />Dauber pointed out that in the settlement agreement approved in December of 1994 <br />it was stipulated that the universal rate would not increase. In the table before them <br />from the garbage company it showed an increase. Council also addressed the issue <br />of garbage service to the residents on Rhus Ridge. For some time they had an <br />arrangement for a front loader box, the cost of which the thirteen homes shared. <br />Council believed that these residents could continue this service if they wished but <br />to be fair they should at least pay the minimum one can service charge. <br />September 6, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />