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City Council Minutes
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4/20/2016 1:46:26 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 10:07:10 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Page 6, Add the following to item 4: All paths shall be located and designed to <br />preserve the beauty and natural character of the area and to safeguard the user. <br />Particular care should be given to retaining trees and vegetative cover and to <br />minimize grading and erosion. <br />Page 6: Item 6: Add the following: "but should be located to avoid conflict with path <br />use." <br />Page 6: Item 11: Add the following: The Town should seek donation of path <br />easements needed to complete gaps in the system. The Town should assume the <br />legal and engineering costs involved with such donations and inform residents of <br />possible tax advantages from easement dedication. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To add the following: Property owners may not block off <br />paths. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To add the following: Trails and paths shall be permitted <br />in open space and conservation easements. These trails shall be constructed and <br />maintained to minimize the environmental impact upon the area. <br />Council commented on the general Master Path Plan which should include a list of <br />streets, the pathway standards, the booklet on paths and the whole picture of the <br />Town's paths. With regard to this, it was noted that there should be an explanation <br />of the types of paths and this could be included in the standards. <br />Casey referred to the section on the Implementation of the Path System and the <br />contribution by property owners at time of development of right of way and/or <br />construction of paths or payment of path in lieu fees. Casey wanted to know what <br />created the nexus in these situations. She strongly believed that in part due to <br />recent court decisions there had to be a very clear correlation between a project and <br />the path land and/or money for paths being required. It was agreed that this issue of <br />nexus would be addressed by the Planning Commission during their review of the <br />draft Pathway Element. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Johnson <br />and passed unanimously to send the draft pathway element to the Planning <br />Commission for review and recommendation and at the same time to send it to the <br />Pathway Committee with the request that they send their comments on the draft to <br />the Planning Commission for review. <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />7.1 Development Process Subcommittee: next meeting 9/28/95 <br />September 20, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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