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Dauber referred to the letter from Donald Spencer. She thought his <br />suggestions concerning yardwaste were quite good and should be <br />agendized for discussion. Mr. Spencer should be thanked for his <br />comments. <br />Dauber commented on the letter from Wes Henderson concerning Sun <br />Country Cable and requested that Sun Country be asked to send <br />the Council a copy of their response to Mr. Henderson. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />9.1 10/4/95 Council Meeting <br />Council agreed to start the 10/4/95 Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. due to Yom Kippur. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Request for approval of lot merger and conditional exceptions for <br />lots 1 through 14, Lands of Micko, Kingsley Avenue and Altadena <br />Drive <br />Mr. Eric Micko, applicant, presented a history of his involvement with this project <br />He noted that he had lived in the Town from 1974 to 1987 and had spent seven years <br />on this lot merger. He had participated in an advisory study session with the City <br />Council several years ago at which time he did not have an acre of land for his <br />project. At this time he did have an acre of land although he was requesting an <br />exemption to the building site circle requirement because of the lot's configuration. <br />Mr. Micko felt that his project complied with the spirit of the Town's codes and was <br />consistent with other lots in the Town. He showed locations of over thirty lots in <br />the neighborhood of his project which had unique configurations. Mr. Micko <br />believed he had been considerate of the neighbors' concerns and had agreed to a <br />lower height to the house, one story, etc. but he did note that the lot would have <br />development on it and would no longer be vacant land. <br />Dr. Stephen Combs, 26640 Snell Lane; Eric Kleage, 26140 Rancho Manuella Lane; and <br />June Rynne, 26120 Rancho Manuella Lane each addressed the Council in opposition <br />to this project. They believed it had a negative impact on the environment, the <br />quality of life, the open space of the area and the value of their homes. Approval of <br />this project would involve exemptions to Town regulations such as the building <br />site circle and they did not agree that this was appropriate. The Council should <br />adhere to the Town's ordinances. <br />September 20, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />