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City Council Minutes
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4/20/2016 1:46:26 PM
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5/27/2015 10:07:10 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Carmen Fink, 26157 Altadena Drive, spoke in support of this project. She was <br />speaking on behalf of the Fink family and noted that they had no intention of <br />closing off their land. Many used its paths and access to Esther Clarke Park and it <br />would remain that way. Although they had originally not been in support of this <br />project, they had reconsidered and thought the consolidation of the several smaller <br />lots would be a benefit to the neighborhood. <br />Johnson stated that he disregarded all references to economic issues as irrelevant to <br />the application before them. He did support the Planning Commission's denial of <br />this project. The exemptions being requested were too great. Commenting on the <br />several other lots Mr. Micko mentioned, Johnson stated that he might feel <br />differently if someone had owned an ususually shaped lot for many years but not <br />for an applicant who had aggressively pursued the purchase of several lots to arrive <br />at an unusually configured one acre lot. Casey supported Mr. Micko's application. <br />She did not believe it was unreasonable to grant exemptions for building circles and <br />thought this development would be beneficial to the neighborhood. She also stated <br />that while open space was enjoyed by the neighbors the Council could not maintain <br />lots as open space. Dauber stated that the purpose of the building site circle was to <br />prevent development of odd lots. This lot was substandard even if it was one acre <br />and it was surrounded by conforming lots. The ordinances clearly stated minimum <br />requirements and the Council should abide by the Town's codes. Hubbard <br />concurred with Dauber's comments. Siegel supported the application. He <br />commented that Mr. Micko had worked hard on this project and was constrained by <br />not being able to move the lot lines as someone with a larger project might be able <br />to do. Mr. Micko had also agreed to reduce the size of the house on the lot to <br />compensate for the building site circle exemption. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Hubbard <br />and passed by the following roll call vote to deny the request for approval of lot <br />merger and conditional exceptions for lots 1 through 14, Lands of Micko, Kingsley <br />Avenue and Altadena Drive and to direct staff to prepare the the findings for denial <br />for the October 4th Council Meeting. <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Hubbard and Councilmembers Dauber and Johnson <br />NOES: Mayor Siegel and Councilmember Casey <br />12. CLOSED SESSION: PENDING LITIGATION: PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT <br />CODE SECTION 54956.9(a - One Case <br />Council adjourned to a closed session regarding litigation at 9:30 p.m. and <br />reconvened at 9:52 p.m. Council returned to open session to report, if necessary, anv <br />action taken. <br />September 20, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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