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5.2 Approved Warrants: $33,196.21 (10/5/95) <br />$271,175.70 (10/16/95) <br />5.3 Approved Grant of Easement for Pathway, Lands of Bunting, <br />12109 Foothill Lane -- Reso #82-95 <br />5.4 Approved grant of pathway easement and vacation of existing pathway <br />easement, Lands of Lim, 11633 Rebecca Lane -- Reso #83-95 and #84-95 <br />5.5 Volunteer Awards Luncheon - December 1,1995 -- Approved request for <br />payment of costs for staff to attend ($20 per person) <br />5.6 Accepted subdivision improvements related to Lands of <br />McCulloch, Tract #8200 -- Reso #85-95 <br />6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />7.1 Request from Mr. Hal Edmondson for exception to real estate sign <br />regulations. <br />Mr. Edmondson, applicant, explained his request for relief from the sign ordinance. <br />He lives on a small deadend street and has his home for sale. He was requesting an <br />exception so that this sale would have more visibility by placing signs between <br />Manuella and their home. <br />Council discussed the purpose of the ordinance and this request for an exception. <br />Dauber commented that most of the homes in Town were not on main streets and <br />she did not feel that additional for sale signs helped in the sale of homes. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br />failed by the following roll call vote to grant the request from Mr. Edmondson for <br />exception to the real estate sign regulations. <br />AYES: Councilmembers Casey and Johnson <br />NOES: Mayor Siegel and Councilmembers Dauber and Hubbard <br />7.2 Approval of Policy Statement on definition of work for computation <br />of Overtime/Compensatory Time <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to adopt the following definition of "work" for the Town's <br />November 1, 1995 <br />City Council Meeting <br />