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Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual: "Work" shall be defined, for the purpose <br />of determining overtime, as those hours for which an employee is compensated by <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills for regular work, holidays, sick leave, vacation and <br />compensatory time off duty. These hours shall be counted toward the accumulation <br />of the work week as defined in this manual. <br />8. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES. SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />9. STAFF REPORTS <br />9.1 City Manager <br />9.2 City Attorney <br />9.3 City Clerk <br />9.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence dated 10/25/95 <br />Council referred to the complaint about construction noise on weekends <br />and noted that the Sheriff's Department should be notified if <br />there was a violation. The ordinance should be checked and the <br />resident contacted who wrote the letter. Referring to the <br />suggestion for a toddlers' play area at the Little League Fields, <br />they agreed it was a good idea. <br />10. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />11. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />12. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />12.1 Review of amendment to Condition #11 of approved site development <br />permit for major addition/ remodel concerning the pathway easement, <br />Lands of McNees, 24990 La Loma Drive <br />Mr. McNees, applicant, addressed the Council on the issue of condition #11 <br />requiring the granting of a 10' wide pathway easement along the north side of the <br />creek in the vicinity of the rear property line, to the satisfaction of the Planning <br />Director. He did not agree with this condition for several reasons including the <br />issue of privacy, the fact that it did not connect to other pathways and <br />environmental issues. Mr. McNees'first choice would be for no path but if it was <br />necessary then place it along the old San Antonio Road. <br />November 1, 1995 <br />City Council Meeting <br />