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AYES: Mayor Siegel and Councilmembers Casey and Johnson <br />NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Hubbard and Councilmember Dauber <br />12.4 Request for approval of a negative declaration and tentative map for a <br />proposed four lot subdivision of 9.45 acres, Lands of LeFevre, south side <br />of Altamont Road and east of Julietta Lane <br />Mr. LeFevre, applicant, commented that he had worked with the staff and the <br />neighbors on this project and he hoped for a favorable review by the Council. He <br />further noted that he had withdrawn the request to shift the conservation easement. <br />Mr. Gary Cleary, 26410 Altamont Road, addressed three areas of concern regarding <br />this project. First, regarding the fence in the conservation easement he asked that <br />this be removed. Secondly, he asked that the bulb of Elizabeth Court be moved a <br />little to the west so that the headlights of cars do not glare in their windows. Third, <br />Mr. Cleary requested a 50' setback on both sides of the property fence. Mr. Cleary <br />also had a suggestion for relocating the pathway along Lands of McGowan. He <br />thought this was an easy climb and then flat. <br />Les Earnest, Chairman of the Pathways Committee, noted that he had not walked <br />this proposed route. <br />Nobuko Cleary, 26410 Altamont Road, commented that the fence issue in the <br />conservation easement needed to be resolved as well as moving the bulb of <br />Elizabeth Court for privacy reasons. <br />Bill Kull, applicant's engineer, referred to the environmental impact report which <br />had been done for this project and its review of the issues. He also commented that <br />this project had been downsized since its original concept. A traffic study had been <br />done and Elizabeth Court met all the site requirements. He did comment however <br />that the growth needed to be cut back. Mr. Kull stated that moving the bulb of <br />Elizabeth Court to the west would not address the Clearys' concerns about the <br />headlights. However, he referred to condition #31 which in part stated that the <br />landscape plan for the subdivision shall include plantings to mitigate the visual <br />impact of the road from the Cleary property. On the fence issue in the conservation <br />easement, Mr. Kull commented that this was an allowed use and a 6' fence would <br />not impact the Cleary's view since their home was 10' lower. <br />Mr. Chi-Foon Chan, 27150 Julietta Lane, expressed his concerns about the impact of <br />this project on his lot regarding the issues of privacy and his view. He also <br />commented on the left turn at Elizabeth Court and the safety factor. He stated that <br />he did not use this to access the rear of his property because of the limited view line. <br />November 1, 1995 <br />City Council Meeting <br />