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AYES: Mayor Siegel and Councilmembers Dauber, Hubbard and Johnson <br />NOES: Councilmember Casey <br />Casey did not agree that this was a problem in Town. Furthermore, she thought it <br />wasted the Commission's time and led to the creation of substandard lots. <br />b) Providing for "service uses" as conditional use permits <br />c) Revised slope density standards to exclude steep areas on certain <br />lots where conservation easements are provided <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to refer providing for "service uses" as conditional use permits <br />and revised slope density standards to exclude steep areas on certain lots where <br />conservation easements are provided to the Planning Commission for review. <br />6.4 Status of the Parcel Data Base Project <br />The City Manager referred to his report dated 12/6/95 on the parcel data base project. <br />In this report he explained the LandTech Parcel Data Base System Software and its <br />benefit to the Town. Campbell, Saratoga and Woodside currently use this system <br />and Curtis Williams, the Town's Planning Director, was reponsible for setting up <br />the system in Woodside. The City Manager commented that this program did not <br />operate on Macintosh computers which staff was currently using. It was the <br />recommendation of the Technology Improvement Committee that the Town <br />convert to PC based systems. The City Manager noted that he would be returning in <br />January with a formal request for the purchase of the LandTech parcel data base <br />system, with a recommendation for the purchase of computer hardware and with <br />information on cost, training and transition. Casey believed a cost benefit analysis <br />should be done for this project. <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Recommendation on location of tree in memory of Brenda <br />Butner <br />December 6, 1995 <br />City Council Meeting <br />