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City Council Minutes
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7/3/2018 2:29:18 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 11:06:26 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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�w uniqueness. Would like to see the Town establish maintenance, safety and <br />inspection standards for the Barn, provide a higher level of financial commitment <br />and expand activities held at the Barn. <br />Nancy Couperus, Westwind Barn, commented on landscaping, beautification of the <br />Barn, liability and safety issues and noted that these matters all received serious <br />attention from the Boardmembers. She further referred to the many activities held <br />at the Barn. <br />Council discussed the issue of liability, inspection schedules, cooperation between <br />the Town and Westwind and the pros and cons of the member from the Pathways <br />Recreation and Parks Committee appointed to the Board being a non-voting one. <br />Tryon suggested the Committee be asked to provide a report to the Council on the <br />activities at the Board and other pertinent issues. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Tryon and <br />passed by all members present to state that the representative from the Pathways <br />Recreation and Parks Committee on the Westwind Board will be a non-voting <br />member. It was further agreed that the Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee <br />would be asked to formulate a policy statement on the method of reporting back to <br />the Council their liaison activities with this Board. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />6.1 Request from Mr. and Mrs. Ilbok Lee at 12950 Alta Tierra Road for <br />refund of false alarm charges <br />Council had before them a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Lee objecting to the $464.14 bill <br />they had received from the Town for false alarm charges. While they did not agree <br />with any of these charges, they were asking that the charges be reduced to $100 for <br />settlement. Their letter included background information on past burglaries and <br />vandalism done to their home and the statements that they did not believe these <br />were false alarms. <br />Mr. Byron Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee, addressed the Council concerning his <br />parents request. He referred to the letter which he felt explained the issue in detail. <br />He also stated that he believed the Council should be absolutely positive these were <br />false alarms before charging for them. Mr. Lee also did not believe the officers <br />checking on these false alarms did a thorough enough job. <br />Council discussed this request and the procedure in place regarding false alarms. <br />They noted there was no evidence of break ins and the problems appeared to be <br />March 2, 1994 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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