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Dauber presented to the Council samples of her first harvest of compost from the <br />composting program begun in January. This test project was almost completed and <br />in her estimation it was tremendously successful in greatly reducing the amount of <br />garbage. <br />9.3 Brown Act Requirements (Councilmember Tryon) <br />Tryon questioned the Brown Act requirements for appointed subcommittees of the <br />Council. It seemed that all needed to be appropriately noticed to be in compliance <br />with the Brown Act. The City Attorney responded that many aspects of this act were <br />still being discussed however in her opinion if the subcommittee had a limited <br />purpose and did not meet for a prolonged period of time, it was not subject to <br />Brown Act requirements. She did state that she would keep Council advised of new <br />developments regarding this issue. <br />9.4 Letter from Mr. Yanez concerning code violation (Councilmember Tryon) <br />Tryon inquired about the letter received from Mr. Yanez concerning a possible code <br />violation. She was advised that the City Manager and Building Official had visited <br />the site in question and the Director of Public Works had contacted the Hazardous <br />Materials Department who would be investigating Mr. Yanez' complaint. Tryon <br />requested that Council receive copies of any correspondence sent to Mr. Yanez on <br />this subject. <br />9.5 Letter from the Copper Connection (Mayor Pro Tem Dauber) <br />Dauber referred to the letter from the Copper Connection requesting support for a <br />consortium of small and medium size businesses in the greater Bay Area and <br />inquired if Council should send a letter of support. Council took no action on this <br />item. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Mr. Esher, 13430 Country Way, addressed the Council on the issue of cable television <br />on his street. He and three of his neighbors wanted to get cable on their street and <br />were willing to pay for this service. However, he stated that they had been treated <br />badly by Sun Country Cable and he was asking Council for some assistance in <br />addressing this problem. Council agreed to direct the City Manager to ask a <br />representative from Sun Country Cable to come to the May 4th Council Meeting to <br />give Council a status report on cable television and to specifically address Mr. Esher's <br />concerns. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />April 20, 1994 <br />