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�W <br />Stephen Hubbard, architect and John Komo, President of Komo Construction, Inc. <br />addressed the Council on the issue of their request for direction regarding grading. <br />They addressed the height limitation and in response to an inquiry from Council <br />noted that the original slope was 1017 and the existing slope was 11.6%. The original <br />lot unit factor was 1.01 and the existing lot unit factor was .97. The Planning <br />Director's staff report explained that the applicant was requesting that 2' of the <br />existing fill be allowed to remain in order to provide better drainage and access to <br />the storm drain system. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to support the removal of 3' of the illegal fill <br />on Lot 3; to support allowing 2' of the illegal fill to remain over the natural grade of <br />561 elevation in order to alleviate drainage problems on the lot; and to support <br />designation of the filled grade at 563 elevation as the new natural grade for Lot 3. <br />AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Dauber, Hubbard and Tryon <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: Councilmember Siegel <br />6.2 Request from Fremont Hills Country Club for advance public hearing <br />noticing of their application for expansion and remodel <br />Council noted that there was a procedure in place for proper and timely noticing of <br />public hearings and further commented that there was an ordinance change being <br />developed which would involve an increase in the notice period to allow Council <br />the opportunity to receive all relevant information on a project. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Tryon and <br />passed unanimously to deny the request from Fremont Hills Country Club for <br />advance public hearing noticing of their application for expansion and remodel. <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />7.1 Cable Television Subcommittee <br />7.1.1 Recommended Plan of Action <br />This item has been continued to the June 15, 1994 Council Meeting. <br />7.2 Update on Composting Program <br />June I, 1994 <br />