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Wes Henderson, 12720 Canario Way, addressed the Council on the issue of the <br />request from Fremont Hills Country Club for advance public hearing noticing of <br />their application for expansion and remodel. He had several concerns about this <br />project and had also suggested a new option regarding access. Mr. Henderson <br />commented that it took time to contact the many neighbors affected by this project <br />and he did not believe the noticing should be accelerated. <br />Ed Emling, 11666 Murietta Lane, reported to the Council on a safety issue about <br />which he was quite concerned. Kids were using Adobe Creek Lodge Lane for their <br />four wheel drives and Mr. Emling was concerned about this particularly as a <br />possible fire danger. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Determination of the use of the Town's share of the Community <br />Development Block Grant Funds Allocation <br />The City Manager referred to his staff report which noted that there was a $213,291 <br />balance of CDBG funds which needed to be programmed for expenditure by June 30, <br />1994. The 1994-95 apportionment of $82,635 also needed to be designated but the <br />Council had more time to decide on the use of these funds and there was also <br />greater flexibility in the possible uses. A decision on these funds could be deferred <br />until a later date. <br />Mr. Charles Chew, CDBG Program Manager - Environmental Resources Agency, <br />reported on the CDBG Program as it related to the Town. Money had been set aside <br />for several years and some residents had received loans at the time of the 1989 <br />earthquake. However, it was difficult to identify appropriate recipients of such <br />funds in the Town and now it was ascertained that certain programs might benefit <br />from these funds. In response to an inquiry from Dauber about receiving such loans <br />for secondary dwellings as low income housing, Mr. Chew stated that they did not <br />have a ruling on this but he would inform Council when he had the final <br />determination. Mr. Chew further explained the difference between non -public- <br />service projects (buildings, steel and mortar), i.e. housing rehabilitation, Americans <br />with Disabilities requirements and public-service projects (those with salaried <br />employees who provide services). Other criteria included meeting an urgent <br />communty need and principally benefitting lower income people. <br />Thomas Pamilla, Executive Director - Community Services Agency, addressed <br />Council on their Alpha Omega Program and asked for support. He explained that <br />this project provided transitional housing for homeless people and was an excellent <br />vehicle toward helping them readjust themselves to society. The City of Mountain <br />View had donated $100,000 toward the purchase of a house and they were requesting <br />financial support for the remaining $200,000 - $250,000. CSA and Project Match were <br />working together on this project. <br />June 1, 1994 <br />