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Miranda Colby, Executive Director - Project Match, reported on the services <br />provided by Project Match. They provide affordable housing to those who need it <br />and had several successful group residence programs. She noted that the more <br />money they could get in donations the lower they could keep the rents they needed <br />to charge. Concerning the project they were working on with CSA it was hoped that <br />the site for the house could be selected by October with the opening in January. <br />Siegel asked Ms. Colby for a list of similar homes in the area. <br />Nancy Mason, Chairman of the Committee to Save Griffin House, reported on the <br />status of the renovations to the Griffin House and noted that they were requesting <br />$5,000 - $10,000 for installation of a handicap access ramp. Tryon supported this <br />request but commented that in general the Griffin House should contact local <br />corporate leaders for financial support for the ongoing renovations to the Griffin <br />House. <br />Janet Goy, Executive Director - Community Health Awareness Council, stated that <br />she realized that their request for support of their Sober Opportunities Program for <br />Students did not quality for CDBG funding at this time but she thought it might <br />qualify for CDG13 funding under 1994-95 qualifications. <br />The City Manager noted that Susan Russell of the Midpeninsula Housing Coalition <br />had been unable to attend this meeting but would be at the June 15th Public <br />Hearing. <br />Council thanked all those who addressed the Council and stated their support for all <br />of the programs. The second public hearing on this issue was scheduled for June 15, <br />1994. <br />11.2 Approval of the Los Altos Sewer Service Charges and setting the Los <br />Altos Hills Sewer Basin Reserve Fund -- Resolution # <br />The City Engineer reported that there was no increase over last year. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Dauber and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #32-94 approving the Los Altos Sewer <br />Service charges and setting the Los Altos Sewer Basin Reserve Fund. <br />11.3 Adoption of the Palo Alto Server Service charge final report and <br />authorizing transmittal to the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office -- <br />Resolution # <br />The City Engineer reported that there was no increase over last year. <br />June 1, 1994 <br />