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4/20/2016 1:06:20 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 11:14:32 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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L <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #33-94 adopting the Palo Alto Sewer <br />Service Charge Final Report and authorizing transmittal to the Santa Clara County <br />Assessor's Office. <br />11.4 Request for approval of a negative declaration and tentative parcel map <br />for a three lot subdivision at 13826 Page Mill Road, Lands of Vuctnich <br />Alan Huntzinger, representing applicant, asked Council for approval of their three <br />lot subdivision. He noted that they had met all of the requirements of the Town <br />and he did not think it fair to hold this project tip in an attempt to find a solution to <br />an ongoing drainage problem. He did comment however that they were willing to <br />contribute a fair dollar amount toward solving the drainage issue. Mr. Huntzinger <br />further explained the location of the driveway and the location of the lots and <br />houses. <br />Dru Anderson, 27820 Saddle Court, commented that she was concerned about the <br />height issue (visual impact on their property) and the drainage issue. She noted <br />that the residents on Saddle Mountain had paid for drainage in good faith. She <br />would be willing to discuss the option of an assessment district but was not willing <br />to commit to it until the dollar amount was known and the ramifications had been <br />determined. Mrs. Anderson noted that she had served on the subcommittee <br />established to address the Moon Lane drainage issues and there had been a sincere <br />effort on the part of the subcommittee to work together toward a solution. <br />Nancy Bavor, 13816 Page Mill Road, noted her concerns about the drainage issue <br />and showed Council pictures comparing how their property had originally looked <br />with natural swales and how it looked now. She was also quite concerned about <br />the proposed size of the homes in this subdivision. The square footage was so low <br />she was sure variances would be requested in the future. Mrs. Bavor also <br />commented on the steepness of the lots as one of her concerns. <br />Tim Chown, 13822 Page Mill Road, noted that his neighbors had every right to <br />subdivide their property but also stated his concerns about the visual impact on his <br />house and noted that he did not particularly like the driveway design. On the <br />subject of drainage, Mr. Chown stated that the Town had approved a project <br />seventeen years ago and then had not maintained it. While the natural swale used <br />to dry up, now it did not dry up at all. Mr. Chown stated that he would be <br />marginally willing to participate in sharing expenses toward a solution. <br />June 1, 1994 <br />
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