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City Council Minutes
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4/20/2016 1:41:18 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 11:21:35 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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11.3 Request from Bullis Purissima School for the funding of crossing <br />guard services and installation of stop signs at the intersection of West <br />Edith and Fremont <br />Jill Gilliland, Vice -President - Bullis PTA; Kathi Lerch, 13631 Burke Road; George <br />Manthey, Principal - Bullis Purissima School; Jackie Sigua, 13440 Fremont Road; <br />Adele Behn, 25275 Cantata Way; and Tom Angelo, 25435 Fremont Road each <br />addressed the Council in support of a three-way stop at Fremont and Edith. They <br />commented on the number of accidents at this intersection and the importance of <br />safety of the children. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to direct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution for adoption <br />at the next meeting designating the intersection of Fremont and Edith a three-way <br />stop intersection and to direct the Director of Public Works to a) install "Caution - <br />Children Crossing" signs on Edith and Fremont; b) install pathways signs directing <br />children to Bullis School from the Robleda area via the pathway from Orchard Hill <br />Lane and Templeton Place; c) write a letter with a map attached to be distributed at <br />Bullis School informing parents of these alternative routes; and d) keep brush and <br />vegetation cleared from this intersection to facilitate visibility. Council would <br />continue to monitor this intersection to determine if additional steps needed <br />consideration. <br />11.4 Request for approval of a site development permit for a new residence <br />and pool, Lands of Chen, 27765 Lupine Road <br />Mr. Chen, applicant, explained to the Council how they had done their best to <br />address the concerns raised regarding their application. They had relocated the <br />garage, re-sited the house, eliminated the retaining wall and lowered the house. <br />Ken Pastrof, Land Analysis Associates, had a slide presentation which emphasized <br />the changes addressed by Mr. Chen. The slides showed the house moved and <br />lowered, the 220' setback, the grading plan which included the elimination of the <br />second garage, the one-story appearance of the house; and the opportunity for more <br />landscaping. <br />Mrs. Chen, applicant, distributed a handout which compared their application to a <br />recently approved home on their street. While their home was well within the <br />allowed regulations and they had complied with the Town's ordinances, the other <br />home was practically to the maximum development allowed with much smaller <br />setbacks. She found it interesting that none of the neighbors had complained about <br />the other house. <br />September 7, 1994 <br />10 <br />
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