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The following residents addressed the Council stating their opposition to the Chen <br />application: Michelle Harrison, 13490 Page Mill, Ed Stewart, 27850 Lupine Road, <br />Mark Harrison, 13490 Page Mill, Al Harris, 27745 Lupine, Sharyn Brown, 27673 <br />Lupine, Mrs. Silins, 27693 Lupine, June Dean, 27677 Lupine, Nancy Couperus, 13680 <br />Page Mill, Mark Betz, 27751 Lupine, John Dukes, 27783 Lupine, Joanna Conti, 27771 <br />Lupine. They raised the issues of the rural character of the neighborhood and <br />specifically expressed concern about the size of the proposed house which they did <br />not feel fit into the neighborhood at all. <br />The following residents addressed the Council stating their support of the Chen <br />project: Bill Sun, 12444 Robleda, Patrick Ng, 12700 Leander, Betty Ng, 12700 Leander, <br />Mr. Chung, 12800 Camino Medio and Bobby Chao, 27875 Fawn Creek. They noted <br />that the Chens had complied with the Town's ordinances and had worked hard to <br />address the concerns of the neighbors. If the Chens wanted a large home and they <br />were within the regulations, they believed they had the right to have one. <br />Jitze Couperus, 13680 Page Mill, stated that he had mixed feelings regarding this <br />application. While several of the changes made were quite good, he still believed <br />the house was just too large for the neighborhood. <br />Kim Fung, 14297 Saddle Mountain, believed that applicants should adapt <br />themselves to neighborhoods not try to change them. <br />Pong Ng, architect, presented an aerial overview of the proposed house and its <br />relationship to the neighbors. <br />Siegel supported large homes on large lots but not pushing the development limits. <br />He thought this house just too large for this lot even though it was two acres. Siegel <br />believed the house should be stepped down and should be one story. Hubbard <br />stated that he thought this a difficult issue. The Town did not have a limit on the <br />size of homes (assuming they were in conformance with the regulations) and while <br />he was sensitive to the neighbors' concerns, he had to note that the applicant had <br />made changes to address these concerns. Tryon also commented on the fact that <br />there was not a limit on the size of homes (assuming they were in conformance <br />with the regulations) and she was quite concerned about fairness and sensitivity. In <br />the past residents had made it quite clear that they did not want limitations placed <br />on the size of homes. Thus if it was done for one, it seemed it should apply to all. <br />Tryon noted that the applicant had reduced the height, the setback was 220 square <br />feet, the maximum floor area was reduced and the proposed development was <br />16,125' of an allowed 25,000+. Johnson noted that land use decisions should be <br />based on the land. He believed if the guidelines had been followed this house <br />would have been better designed. However, he found it difficult to accept the <br />September 7, 1994 <br />11 <br />