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approval of a house on the same street without accepting this one. He had sworn to <br />uphold the laws. Dauber recommended continuing this application. She believed <br />some constructive changes had been made to the project but more could be done. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Tryon and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to direct staff to return at the 9/21/94 Council <br />meeting with findings to approve a site development permit for a new residence <br />and pool, Lands of Chen, 27765 Lupine Road, subject to the conditions of approval as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission and amended by Council. One specific <br />condition that was added was that the color of the house and the roof would be from <br />the third or fourth palette on the approved color board and that there would be <br />additional landscape screening particularly to replace the pine trees in the front of <br />the property. <br />AYES: Councilmembers Johnson, Hubbard and Tryon <br />NOES: Mayor Dauber and Mayor Pro Tem Siegel <br />Johnson, Hubbard and Tryon believed the findings could be made for this approval. <br />The applicant was within the Town's ordinances, had made several changes to the <br />project to address the neighbors' concerns and had the same rights for his land that <br />the neighbors' had for theirs. <br />12. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY <br />NEGOTIATOR -- GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 <br />Property: 25561 Fremont Road <br />Negotiating Parties: Town and Dr. Jonathan Han <br />Under Negotiation: Possible Purchase Price and Terms and Payments <br />13. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council <br />Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 a.m. in memory of Joseph Dochnahl who <br />recently passed away. Mr. Dochnahl had served as a member of the Planning <br />Commission for many years and had made many contributions to the Town. <br />Respectfully <br />�submitted, <br />Ptricia Dowd" � <br />City Clerk <br />The minutes of the September 7, 1994 City Council Meeting were approved at <br />the September 21, 1994 City Council Meeting. <br />September 7. 1994 <br />12 <br />