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City Council Minutes
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/20/2016 1:41:18 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 11:21:35 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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` Council asked for clarification of what structures on this property were historical <br />and also inquired about the tax implications. Council also commented on the <br />significance of opening such an historical home for charitable events as a method of <br />sharing said history. <br />Lisa Puri, applicant, explained that the entire property was historical and they were <br />requesting that the entire property be designated an historical landmark. <br />Guy Blase, applicant's attorney, referred to legislation, similar to the Williamson <br />Act, which encouraged restoration of historical properties. There was a <br />reassessment of such properties and there was a significant tax break but the <br />restoration of such historical sites was thought important to support. Mr. Blase also <br />noted that such historical sites were inspected on a regular basis. <br />Ajay Puri, applicant, stated that it was their intent to support charitable groups <br />especially those concerning historic preservation. He noted that they had an event <br />scheduled at their home on October 2nd for the Griffin House. Mr. Puri supported <br />Council's request for a letter stating they would open their home for charitable <br />events. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #67-94 designating the Puri/Shumate <br />Property an Historic Landmark, 12775 Viscaino Road <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #68-94 approving and authorizing <br />execution of agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Elizabeth Webster <br />Puri and Ajay K. Puri. <br />11.2 Request for approval of a negative declaration and tentative snap for <br />a three -lot subdivision, Lands of Vucinich, 13826 Page Mill Road <br />The City Engineer referred to his staff report dated 9/7/94 which included the <br />following description of the proposed storm drain design: "A new pipe will connect <br />to the existing pipe outlet on the Anderson property (above the Chown property) to <br />carry the water (underground) to the Vucinich property. A shallow swale will also <br />be constructed on the Chown property along the alignment of the pipe to pick up <br />the surface flow from the slope below the Young and Anderson properties. A <br />service road will follow the pipe alignment to provide maintenance access. <br />Beginning at the upstream edge of the Vucinich property, the water will flow on the <br />surface of the swale. Areas of erosion will be repaired and the swale will be <br />protected with small diameter rock or fabric. The water will cross the Vucinich <br />property in this existing swale with the exception of the driveway crossings where it <br />will flow through a restricted pipe. The restriction will delay the water somewhat to <br />help counteract the increase in velocity of the water of the creek caused by the pipes. <br />September 7, 1994 <br />
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