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Below the Vucinich property the water will again enter into a pipe and remain in a <br />pipe until it enters Matadero Creek. The pipe is proposed on the north side of Moon <br />Lane to avoid crossing Moon Lane and to avoid some mature trees on the south <br />side of the pavement. A lateral pipe will be extended to the upstream side of the <br />Bavor driveway where a catch basin will be installed to pick up the water that <br />previously flowed through their driveway culvert." <br />Connie Vucinich Furlong, applicant, commented that they had owned this property <br />for over 35 years and they had always been sensitive to the needs of the neighbors. <br />She noted that this had been an extremely lengthy process and did not agree with <br />delaying their plans to resolve the drainage issue. <br />Mr. Sheldon, 27811 Saddle Court, expressed his concerns about paying for this <br />drainage system. He believed it was a problem throughout the Town. Tim Chown, <br />13822 Page Mill, did not believe this issue should be connected to the Vucinich <br />subdivision nor did he support the road going through his property. Mr. Chown <br />believed this drainage problem was the Town's and not the residents' responsibility. <br />David Ewald,13830 Page Mill Road and John Hughes, 27800 Saddle Court, <br />commented that they needed more time to review the proposed plan. Drew <br />Anderson, 27820 Saddle Court, asked for clarification of the storm drain easement <br />on their property and Nancy Bavor, 13816 Page Mill, commented that she was in <br />favor of the proposed plan. <br />Allan Huntzinger, applicant's civil engineer, commented that he was hoping the <br />drainage issue would be separated from the subdivision application so they could <br />proceed. He also commented that he had not been given an opportunity to review <br />the drainage plans provided by Wilsey and Ham. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to direct the City Engineer to meet with the applicant and the <br />neighbors to review the drainage design presented at this Council meeting and to <br />explore options of cost sharing for these storm drainage improvements. Council <br />further directed that the Vucinich application for a three -lot subdivision be <br />continued to December 7,1994 or as soon as possible to allow for resolution of the <br />cost sharing issue, revision of the negative declaration, and a public hearing on the <br />negative declaration and the revised tentative map at Planning Commission. A <br />sub -committee of the Council (Hubbard and Siegel) was appointed to discuss the cost <br />sharing options with the residents. The specific purpose of this sub -committee was <br />to determine a final drainage plan, to find an equitable way of paying for it and to <br />bring it back to Council. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Tryon and <br />passed unanimously to go past the 10:30 p.m. hour of adjournment. <br />k September 7. 1994 <br />