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5/27/2015 11:23:56 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Stephen Chan, applicant, noted that he had met with his neighbors and they had <br />had a very productive meeting at which agreement on his application was reached. <br />He had agreed to lower the peak of their entry tower element by six feet and the top <br />of the modified tower element would not be used as a decking area. <br />Carol Tam, 14297 Saddle Mountain, Mr. Mehta, 14493 Saddle Mountain, and Sylvia <br />Leong, 25386 La Loma Drive, congratulated the Chans for working toward a <br />mutually agreeable solution to this application. <br />Henry Mourad, 14300 Saddle Mountain, expressed two concerns: 1) the safety issue <br />of truck traffic on Saddle Mountain which would be dramatically increased in the <br />moving of the dirt; and 2) the enforcement regarding the contractors. He had had <br />an experience where they dropped dirt on his property and although the contractor <br />apologized, he believed there should be some controls. <br />The City Manager, in response to Mr. Mourad's comments, noted that enforcement <br />was handled by way of putting a stop work order on a project. <br />Hubbard commented on fairness and consistency and referred to homes on ridge <br />lines. He asked if anyone had any comments on restrictions being made for one <br />story homes in these areas. <br />Mr. Mehta, 14493 Saddle Mountain, noted that his home had been restricted to one <br />story and he believed the Chans should be too. <br />Mr. Stephen Chan, applicant, suggested that at the time of subdivision if a lot were <br />highly visible then a deed restriction be placed on the land. This way the potential <br />buyer would have a clear understanding of any restrictions on the lot. <br />Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Drive, gave a brief historical overview of the <br />Saddle Mountain Subdivision and the decision by the Town to thereafter protect the <br />ridgelines. She did believe early communication to be very productive when <br />discussing what could be done with a lot. Schreiner also commented on the truck <br />traffic for the Chan project, noting this was a blind curve and suggested a <br />monitoring device or flag man be required. <br />Councilmember Tryon arrived. <br />Betty Ng, 12770 Leander, referred to the need for respect for individuality and the <br />importance of the Town making decisions based on facts not subjectivity. She noted <br />the need for some architectural regulations but also the acknowledgement of <br />uniqueness of styles and the constitutional rights of residents. <br />October 17. 1994 <br />Adjourned Regular Meeting <br />
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