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City Council Minutes
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4/20/2016 1:56:29 PM
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5/27/2015 11:23:56 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to approve the request for a site development <br />permit for a new residence for Lands of Chan at 14295 Saddle Mountain Drive, <br />subject to the Conditions of Approval as recommended by the Planning <br />Commission and amended by Council in part to reflect the lowering of the peak of <br />the entry tower element by six feet as compared to the plans (dated 9/16/94) <br />approved by the Planning Commission at their 9/14/94 Commisssion Meeting and <br />to reflect that the top of the modified tower element will not be used as a decking <br />area. <br />AYES: Mayor Dauber and Councilmembers Hubbard and Johnson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Siegel <br />ABSTAIN: Councilmember Tryon <br />Tryon noted that due to a family emergency she had arrived late to the meeting and <br />had not been present for all of the discussion on this application. For this reason <br />she abstained from the vote but she did commend the neighbors for working <br />together toward a solution. <br />11.2 Request for review of a Site Development Permit Condition to dedicate <br />additional right-of-way on the cul-de-sac, Lands of Belden, 12033 Green <br />Hills Court <br />The City Attorney noted that the City Council did not have the authority to allow an <br />amount of right of way less than that required in the Town's Code or Policy. The <br />public hearing on the Lands of Belden as well as the Lands of Corrigan should be <br />continued to allow Council the opportunity to amend the right of way policy or to <br />allow the applicants to apply for a variance. <br />Council had before them the Planning Director's staff report dated 10/17/94 which <br />included the following recommendation: direct staff to re -review the cul-de-sac <br />ordinance for making it consistent with the right-of-way policy and direct staff to <br />combine the right of way policy and cul-de-sac ordinance into one ordinance and <br />bring it back to Council. <br />Peter Duxbury, applicant's architect, referred to the cul-de-sac under discussion and <br />the impact this condition has on his client's application. <br />Lee Belden, applicant, noted that this dedication makes his lot non -conforming by a <br />very small amount. He was concerned about the financial implications of <br />proceeding with this application and asked for more time to review the issue. He <br />noted that he would not be willing to complete the dedication paperwork at this <br />time but not have it recorded until a later date. <br />4 October 17, 1994 <br />l Adjourned Regular Meeting <br />
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