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Regular Meeting Minutes
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Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill, noted that many properties had already had these <br />right of way dedications required of their lots and thereby had their development <br />areas reduced. She believed consistency was important and this could not be done <br />lot by lot. Furthermore, did the Town want to return dedications? <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue the request for review of a Site <br />Development Permit Condition to dedicate additional right-of-way on the cul-de- <br />sac, Lands of Belden, 12033 Green Hills Court to the next Council Meeting. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To agendize review of the road right of way policy for <br />the November 16, 1994 City Council Meeting. <br />11.3 Request for review of a Site Development Permit Condition to dedicate <br />additional right-of-way on the cul-de-sac, Lands of Corrigan, 12797 <br />Normandy Lane <br />Sigrun Corrigan, applicant, asked that this dedication be waived due to the <br />uniqueness of their property. She believed it was undue hardship to take any more <br />land and stated there would be no problem when and if the Town needed to put in <br />future utilities. She thought there must be some way to work this out. She just <br />wanted a gate to her property and did not want a path in front of her house. <br />Wilfred Corrigan, applicant, referred to the recent Supreme Court decision noting <br />that there had to be some reason for government to take dedications of land. He <br />saw nothing in their application to warrant additional dedications of land. <br />Dan Thompson, applicant's designer, commented that it had not been clear to them <br />what this condition meant when they had obtained their site development permit. <br />Once they had realized that it was a dedication of land they had not proceeded with <br />the project. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue the request for review of a Site <br />Development Permit Condition to dedicate additional right-of-way on the cul-de- <br />sac, Lands of Corrigan, 12797 Normandy Lane to a future Council Meeting at the <br />request of the applicant. <br />11.4 Approval of Capital Improvement Budget 1994-95 -- Reso <br />Council discussed the proposed capital improvement budget before them which <br />reflected the comments made at the October 5th study session on this issue. The <br />suggestion was made to include the projected $500,000 annually for Pavement <br />Management for the next five years and to include projected projects and costs. <br />October 17. 1994 <br />Adjourned Regular Meeting <br />
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