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l Return to Open Session to report, if necessary, any action taken. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Johnson <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #86-94 <br />approving agreement for maintenance and improvement by Los Altos Hills <br />Horsemens' Association of Town Ring facilities owned by the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills. <br />12.2 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -- EXISTING LITIGATION -- <br />GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8: <br />Spangenberg vs. Town of Los Altos Hills and Mr. and Mrs. Robert <br />Helliwell <br />Return to Open Session to report, if necessary, any action taken. <br />The City Attorney reported that Mr. Spangenberg had appealed the Court's decision <br />in Spangenberg vs. Dr. Helliwell and the Town of Los Altos Hills. Hubbard, <br />Johnson and Siegel recommended offering Mr. Spangenberg a financial settlement. <br />If Mr. Spangenberg did not agree with this settlement, the Court case would be <br />pursued. Mayor Dauber did not agree with offering a settlement. As before the legal <br />costs would be shared with Dr. Helliwell. <br />12.3 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR -- <br />GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 <br />Property: Town of Los Altos Hills (Franchise Agreement) <br />Purissima Road, Head End Site (Lease Agreement) <br />Negotiating Parties: Town and Sun Country Cable <br />Under Negotiation: Franchise Agreement and Lease Agreement <br />Return to Open Session to report, if necessary, any action taken. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To approve amendment to lease and amendment to <br />franchise agreement with Sun Country Cable. <br />November 16, 1994 <br />Regular Meeting <br />10 <br />