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%, $3,500. In 1993 it was agreed to separate the Transit District from the County and to <br />merge the CMA and the Transit District, with the Transit District being placed under <br />the CMA Governing Board. On July 20, 1994 the Governor signed the merger bill. <br />The current activities included: the CMA and Transit District merger process; the <br />hiring of a General Manager/CEO; and the management of the day-to-day activities. <br />Mr. Laliotis noted that he was going to be the representative for Los Altos Hills for <br />the next year and he would provide updates to the Council on a regular basis. <br />Council raised the issue of the draft administrative code which had been prepared by <br />the CMA Governing Board and distributed to member agencies for comment. The <br />letter from CMA Executive Director Michael Evanhoe requested comments by <br />11/23/94. Council asked Mr. Laliotis to report the following concerns from the <br />Council: restrictions should be placed on travel allowances; limitations should be <br />placed on the number of staff to be hired and no more than three representatives <br />from one city should serve on a standing committee. Mr. Lahotis thanked Council <br />for their comments and said he would relay the Council's concerns. <br />3. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT (Commissioner Doran) <br />Commissioner Doran reported that in addition to the items on the Council's <br />Consent Calendar, the following items were discussed and continued: Lands of <br />Bilger, 25901 Vinedo Lane - request for a site development permit for a new <br />residence and pool; and Lands of Brockway, 25525 Moody Road -- request for a six -lot <br />subdivision and certification of a proposed negative declaration. <br />4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Item Added: 4.9 Proclamation: Family Week -- November 20-26, 1994 <br />Item Removed: 4.7 (Dauber) <br />Item Continued: Mayor Dauber noted that item 4.4 (Request for Extension of the <br />Expiration Date of Site Development Permit for a new residence, pool and spa, <br />Lands of Viso, 28620 Matadero Creek Court) was continued at the request of the <br />applicant. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously by all members present to approve the balance of the Consent <br />Calendar, specifically: <br />4.1 Approved Minutes: November 2, 1994 <br />November 16, 1994 <br />Regular Meeting <br />