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neighbor's property (the Pedersons). Mr. Freeman further explained the proposed <br />`, placement of this path and their request to have access to the pathway easement as a <br />way to get their horses to Dezahara. They had recently built a barn on their property <br />and were anxious to bring their horses from their property to Dezahara. <br />Mr. Pederson, 26958 Dezahara, commented that Mr. Freeman's proposal seemed <br />practical but he would have to meet with him to work out the details. <br />Council discussed this proposal. Siegel noted that the Town should not have to bear <br />the legal costs of preparing the easement papers since it was a path that would <br />benefit only the Freemans. Hubbard suggested it ultimately benefitted the Town. <br />Shelley Doran, 24920 La Loma Court, referred to the experience she went through <br />with a path on her property and recommended that the Town become more <br />consistent in its policy on pathways. <br />7.2 Safety Committee <br />7.2.1 Approval of Town's Emergency Handbook Abbreviated <br />Guide <br />Council discussed the abbreviated guide of the Town's Emergency Handbook which <br />had been prepared by the Safety Committee. The committee was thanked for doing <br />an excellent job on this project. There were a few questions raised concerning which <br />staff member was responsible for each position. For example, who is the Planning <br />Chief? <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To send the Emergency Handbook Abbreviated Guide <br />back to the Safety Committee for clarification of certain points raised by Council. <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence dated 11 /9/94 <br />8.3.2 Summary of Council Actions: Request for policy statement <br />on implementation and distribution <br />November 16, 1994 <br />Regular Meeting <br />