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11/16/1994 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
11/16/1994 (2)
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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Council discussed the option of a summary of Council actions being <br />�W prepared by the City Clerk after each Council Meeting. The <br />distribution of such a summary was also discussed. This ranged <br />from placing it in the Town Crier to including it with present <br />mailings made to Committee Chairmen, Commissioners, etc. <br />Council agreed that this was an unnecessary procedure in that <br />the minutes were distributed in a timely fashion thus providing <br />everyone with the details of the Council's actions. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />9.1 Discussion of the adoption of a Town Ordinance providing <br />additional disclosure requirements for the committees and <br />candidates to the Office of City Council (Mayor Dauber) <br />Dauber referred to an ordinance in Menlo Park which required additional disclosure <br />by candidates of campaign contributions over $25. She recommended the Council <br />adopt such an ordinance in order to ascertain who supported which candidate. <br />Dauber believed this was an important source of information. Johnson and <br />Hubbard disagreed, stating that they believed this was government intrusion into an <br />area of privacy. Presently the Fair Political Practices Commission required <br />disclosure of contributions of $100 or more and they thought this was a sufficient <br />reporting requirement. No action was taken on this item. <br />9.2 Anonymous Campaign Mailings (Mayor Pro Tem Siegel) <br />Siegel referred to the anonymous mailings sent in the most recent election and <br />asked Council to agree to request the Fair Political Practices Commission to <br />investigate whether or not these mailings were a violation of the Government <br />Code. He believed these mailings should be identified. Dauber noted that mailings <br />could be done in the Town for less than $1,000 so this FPPC requirement did not <br />preclude mailings without identification. Johnson recommended continuing this <br />item for three months. He was concerned that it could appear Council was using <br />the power of its office to discredit mailings which did not support a candidate he for <br />one had supported. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to send the unidentified mailings from the last <br />election to the Fair Political Practices Commission and to ask them to investigate <br />whether or not there was a violation of the Government Code. <br />November 16, 1994 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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