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On the subject of the lateness of the Commission meetings, several options were <br />4 discussed, including: limit discussion time and/or number of items; establish time <br />when meeting would end and schedule special meetings if items remained to be <br />discussed; put non -controversial items on the Consent Calendar; limit speakers <br />time; and set public hearings at certain times. Dauber asked if staff believed the <br />Commission was getting projects that the Site Development Committee could <br />handle and the Planning Director responded that she believed they were. It was <br />agreed there should be more staff discretion concerning these projects. As part of <br />the simplification process, it was agreed that the option of reduced variance costs for <br />small projects would be discussed. <br />4. RESOLUTION DECLARING CANVASS OF RETURNS AND RESULTS OF <br />GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION -- RESO # <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #86-94 declaring canvass of returns and <br />results of General Municial Election. <br />5. ADMINISTERING OF THE OATH OF AFFIRMATION AND SEATING OF <br />THE NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILMEMBERS <br />The City Clerk administered the oath of office to Toni Casey and Sid Hubbard <br />6. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to add the following to the agenda as an urgency item: <br />Appointment of Town representative to the Congestion Management Agency. <br />7. APPOINTMENT OF TOWN REPRESENTATIVE TO THE CONGESTION <br />MANAGEMENT AGENCY <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Siegel as the Town's representative <br />to the Congestion Management Agency. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Dauber and <br />passed unanimously to add the following to the agenda as an urgency item: <br />Appointment of Town Representative to the League of California Cities City <br />Legislative Delegate Program. <br />8. APPOINTMENT OF TOWN REPRESENTATIVE TO THE LEAGUE OF <br />CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATE PROGRAM <br />November 30, 1994 <br />