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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Hubbard <br />and passed unanimously to support the proposed draft of the Santa Clara County <br />General Plan and to request the Mayor to send a letter to the Board of Supervisors <br />stating this support. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />6.1 Request for contiguity/annexation statement for a building site <br />approval for Lands of Kwan, 10800 West Loyola (Town's Urban <br />Service Area) <br />Council discussed the Kwan project which was in the Town's urban service area. <br />Johnson noted that this was an area of so many nonconformities that he believed it <br />would be quite difficult to require the applicant to conform to the Town's codes. <br />Siegel concurred with Johnson stating his opinion that the project should not be <br />required to undergo annexation to the Town nor to conform to the Town's codes. <br />Dauber disagreed stating that houses were being built on a regular basis and if the <br />Town did not at some point start requiring conformity to its codes, it would never <br />happen. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to state that the project at 10800 West Loyola, <br />Lands of Kwan, did not have to annex to the Town nor did it have to conform to the <br />Town's codes. <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Siegel and Councilmembers Casey, Hubbard and <br />Johnson <br />NOES: Mayor Dauber <br />6.2 Request for appeal of certain findings in the William Cotton <br />Geotechnical Report for Lands of McNees, 24990 La Loma Drive <br />Mr. McNees, applicant, addressed the Council concerning his request for an <br />amendment to a geotechnical report prepared by William Cotton and Associates on <br />his remodel project. He did not agree with the requirement to underpin the entire <br />house as the amount of proposed development was not that substantial and it <br />would be very expensive to comply with this requirement. He believed it would be <br />in the area of $50,000 to $60,000. <br />The Planning Director referred to the 12/7/94 staff report which included the <br />notation that the Town Geologist, William Cotton, recommended that the entire <br />house be underpinned. This recommendation was based on the recommendation <br />December 7, 1994 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />