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4/20/2016 2:11:57 PM
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5/27/2015 11:28:29 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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James Dixon, architect for Morley Young, stated his client's home was above these <br />lots and they were strongly opposed to this subdivision. Their reasons included <br />environmental concerns, erosion problems, disruption of vistas. In addition they <br />did not believe the drainage issue had been adequately resolved and the density of <br />this project was too great. <br />Morley Young, 27840 Saddle Court, stated he was definitely not in support of this <br />subdivision nor any other development on this land. He thought drainage was a <br />serious matter and there should be height restrictions. <br />Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, noted that when they subdivided twenty years <br />ago the drainage issues had not been resolved. <br />Tim Chown, 13822 Page Mill Road, commented on the neighbors' concerns about <br />the sanitary sewer easement and storm drain easement along Moon Lane. <br />Dot Schreiner, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that the Commission <br />believed the conditions of this subdivision addressed the issues and specifically <br />noted that there were two fire accesses on Moon Lane. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to delete the following sentence from condition #5 "No formal <br />gardens may be planted." and to add the following statement to condition #5: <br />"Sensitive planting is required in this area due to the fact that the swale enters a <br />major creek." <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend condition #I1 to read: A storm drainage <br />system shall be constructed from the west boundary of the subdivision to Matadero <br />Creek, as designed by Wilsey and Ham consultants and as approved by the City <br />Engineer. The Town shall fund the upper portion of the storm drainage <br />improvements from the existing system on the Anderson property to the Vucinich <br />property. The applicant shall construct the drainage improvements within the <br />subdivision and between the subdivision and Matadero Creek. The applicant shall <br />pay for a prorated share of the engineering costs of the storm drain system equal to <br />the percentage of construction costs which are to be paid for by the applicant. The <br />applicant and the Town shall enter into a ten year reimbursement agreement for the <br />cost of oversizing the system from a 15 inch pipe to a 24 inch pipe and for future <br />connections to the storm drain system, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and <br />the City Attorney. Improvements shall be installed prior to recordation of the Final <br />Map or be bonded for. <br />L.. December 7, 1994 <br />�r Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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