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Jon Angin, General Manager of the Los Altos Garbage, noted that he had spoken <br />with the route supervisor but he did not have a status report at this time. He would <br />provide an update as soon as possible. <br />Council addressed the proposed rate increase and the importance of giving the <br />residents an opportunity for input. It was agreed that a Special Meeting of the <br />Council would be held on this issue on December 19, 1995 and a notice would be put <br />in the Town Crier. <br />Council discussed various options for implementing the rate increase and also <br />discussed what increase was needed. It was noted that an 18% increase was needed <br />just to cover ongoing expenses. Suggestions were made to take money from the <br />solid waste fund to cover some of the costs of the rate increase thereby reducing the <br />percentage of rate increase needed. It was further suggested that the larger rate <br />increase should be imposed during the first year. A recommendation was an 18% <br />increase the first year, with a 10% the next. Maintaining the base line rate and <br />implementing an inverted rate structure were also discussed. <br />Kevin Cerutti, representing Los Altos Garbage Company, stated that the company <br />needed a 19.9% increase the first year with a reevaluation during the third year. <br />Councilmember Casey left the Council Meeting at 9:50 p.m. due to another <br />commitment. <br />Concerning the franchise agreement, Council asked for clarification of the increased <br />administrative costs and was advised that part of the increase was due to mandatory <br />compliance expenses and part was due to the Town's increase from 7% to 9% of the <br />company's income stream. <br />Jon Angin, General Manager - Los Altos Garbage Company, responded to an inquiry <br />about debris boxes and noted that debris box rates were brought to each city each year <br />and comparisons were made among the cities. <br />Peter Hanschen, representing Los Altos Garbage Company, commented that the <br />allocation method was not perfect but the company was working on it. The Los <br />Altos Garbage Company would bring back different methods of allocation and show <br />how they would affect the cities. This report would be brought back to Council <br />within four months. Mr. Hanschen agreed this would be included in the settlement <br />agreement. Los Altos Garbage Company would also write a letter addressing their <br />intent to study the distribution of costs among cities. <br />(` December 7, 1994 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />