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It was agreed that rate information would be prepared by the Los Altos Garbage <br />ihor Company for the December 19th Special Meeting and the City Attorney's office <br />would be directed to prepare the agreement and rate increase documents which <br />would be considered at that time. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To authorize the City Manager to sign the extension <br />agreement with Los Altos Garbage Company. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to add a Closed Session to the agenda as an urgency item. <br />12. CLOSED SESSION: DECISION WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION: <br />GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c) <br />Council returned to open session to report, if necessary, on any action taken. <br />12. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council <br />Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 midnight. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia Dowd <br />City Clerk <br />The minutes of the December 7, 1994 Regular City Council Meeting were <br />approved at the February 1, 1995 City Council Meeting. <br />December 7, 1994 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />