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three cans be substantially larger that the single can rate to encourage a reduction in waste <br />%W tonnage. <br />Scott Macomber, 25980 Vinedo Lane, suggested to Council that they consider the <br />possibility of renegotiating the debris box revenues in the future and include risk sharing <br />with LAGCO. Macomber added that he is in favor of an inverted rate. <br />Polly Savoie, 11640 Buena Vista Drive, commented that she would like to see a reduction <br />in garbage for environmental reasons, adding that dump sites are quickly being filled. She <br />feels inverted rates could be an encouragement to residents to reduce the land fill. She <br />would like to see recycling be comprehensive. <br />Mayor Dauber thanked the public for their comments. She noted that all residents who <br />are presently exempted from garbage service will retain their exemptions. <br />Murtha reviewed for Council the amended and restated solid waste and recyclables <br />collection franchise agreement. Council had before them a copy of the agreement and <br />Murtha noted the changes. <br />Dauber questioned whether the Town relinquishes its right to negotiate future changes in <br />the Exhibits by approving the amendments to the agreement. Murtha explained the Town <br />would have the same rights after approval of the amendments. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Casey and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #89-94 approving and authorizing execution of <br />the amended and restated solid waste and recyclables collection franchise agreement <br />between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Los Altos Garbage Company. <br />Mayor Dauber opened the Council discussion of the settlement agreement between the <br />Town and Los Altos Garbage Company. She questioned Jon Angin on her request to add <br />additional language to the agreement allowing for an adjustment to be made after the first <br />few months regarding the anticipated attrition rate for the 1996 rate year. Angin <br />commented that he had reviewed the verbiage but felt uncomfortable in making any <br />changes in the agreement at this time. <br />Dauber explained that the Council had two options regarding the settlement agreement_ <br />To accept the agreement they had before them with the projected attrition rate of 50% in <br />the first nine months and the assumption of 15 % attrition in the second year or for <br />Council to decline the agreement and proceed with the procedure outlined in the franchise <br />agreement regarding rate structure. if Council were to approve the settlement agreement, <br />Dauber stated she felt it was important that Council adopt the rate structure that would <br />produce the most attrition and outlined her support for Schedule 1 on Page 3 of the rate <br />increase document. She added that this option is fully inverted creating the smallest <br />increase for the 1 can user. <br />December 19, 1994 <br />Special City Council Meeting <br />