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City Council Minutes
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5/28/2015 11:12:27 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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all of these had been incorporated in the recommendation the Council had before <br />them tonight. <br />Councilmember Dauber presented her four alternatives for garbage rates to the <br />Council. She added that she had used the LAGCO spreadsheet as her reference and <br />removed the driveway consideration from her calculations listing all rates at the <br />100ft rate, then applied the rates in varying structures with each proposal targeting <br />$80,000 as the recoverable amount. This incorporates the costs for recycling, trash <br />days and garbage collection. The Alternatives were as follows: #1 the total bill was <br />divided by the total number of cans imposing the rates equally by can; #2 actual <br />recycling expense plus trash day costs was divided by the number of people in Town <br />and also divided by the number of cans in use with the same results of $11 per can; <br />#3 moved a small percentage of the garbage expense into the amount that all <br />residents would pay and divided the remainder of garbage costs equally among all <br />cans; #4 approximately 25% of the garbage costs was divided equally among the <br />residents with 75% of the cost distributed among the number of cans(Council Sub - <br />Committees proposed rates). Dauber added that her preference was alternative #2. <br />Councilmember Hubbard commented that the Sub -Committee's proposal (#4 ) <br />which he supported was proposed to protect the large families, noting that the <br />number of cans a residence uses already subsidizes the 0 or 1 can family and that the <br />costs to LAGCO to pick up additional cans was considered. <br />Johnson added that as a member of the Sub -Committee he concurred with <br />Hubbard's comments <br />Dauber reported on a small telephone survey she had conducted with residents with <br />large families and the number of cans they use noting that she had received a wide <br />range of responses. She did find, however, that consistently they felt the holidays <br />produced more waste and would appreciate one of the Town clean-up days being <br />scheduled after Christmas. <br />Siegel commented that basically the rates are very similar especially the charges that <br />would affect the majority of residents - the one and two can users. The primary <br />differences were the charges to the 0 can users or baseline rate and he supported the <br />Sub -Committees recommended rates adding that they would now be paying a fairer <br />contribution for the services they receive plus a standby availability for that <br />residence for the whole program. <br />Mayor Tryon invited the public to speak, noting that the Public Hearing on this item <br />was closed but that comments from the public would be appreciated before the <br />Council final vote. <br />March 3,1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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