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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Dauber and <br />passed unanimously to state that the Hall application for a new residence at 26070 <br />Newbridge will be grandfathered into the previous floor area calculation <br />interpretation on basements and to state that the Hall project will follow the regular <br />procedure and not go directly to Council for hearing. It was further noted that the <br />Hall and Reddy projects were the only ones which would be grandfathered into the <br />previous floor area interpretation, based upon them being previously scheduled <br />before the Planning Commission. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />7.1 Quarry Sub -Committee <br />Dauber noted that today they had received an agenda from Supervisor McKenna's <br />office for the meeting on the quarry scheduled for Thursday, April 8th. The <br />agenda included far more issues than the scope of the project they originally <br />planned to address. Dauber commented that she prepared another agenda but <br />Mr. Gibbs from Supervisor McKenna's office was reluctant to change the <br />agenda. Dauber reiterated that at this time a memorandum of understanding <br />needed to be reached concerning what issues needed to be addressed before the <br />filing of a tenative map by Mr. Vidovich. Hubbard also commented that a clear <br />understanding of budget costs was necessary. It was agreed that the City <br />Attorney and staff members would also be attending the meeting on the 8th. <br />Dauber also reported that she had met with Supervisor Zoe Lofgren on the <br />quarry subject. They discussed the safety of some of the lots and the necessity <br />for the preparation of geologic studies. <br />7.2 Town Handbook Sub -Committee <br />Tryon reported that she and Johnson had attended a meeting on the handbook on <br />March 31st. The project was coming along very well and should be completed <br />in the near future. <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Discussion of Palo Alto Development Issues affecting Los <br />Altos Hills (oral report) <br />The Town Planner reported that the project under construction on Page Mill <br />Road was a replacement building for a previously obsolete office building <br />April 7, 1993 <br />