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10.1 Stonebrook Truck Traffic <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Hubbard <br />and passed unanimously to add the issue of Stonebrook Truck Traffic to the agenda <br />as an urgency item. <br />Bonnie Riley, 12237 Stonebrook, Alan Dale, 25274 La Loma, Bob Matthews, Prospect <br />and John Kiefer, 12231 Stonebrook each addressed the Council with their concerns <br />about the truck traffic on Stonebrook. These concerns included safety issues, traffic, <br />trucks driving too fast, cars being run off the road and the road being destroyed. Mr. <br />Kiefer suggested opening up Stonebrook to Magdalena as it used to be. <br />Siegel suggested that the road from El Monte to Prospect be made a one way truck <br />traffic route with the owners of the trucks being required to manage this with flag <br />men, etc. <br />Richard Voss, Stevens Creek Quarry Truck Company, did not think that <br />Councilmember Siegel's proposal would work. There was too little room to stage <br />the trucks; it was a difficult task to accomplish. <br />John Vidovich, DeAnza Properties, stated that he was concerned about the safety <br />issue and he was meeting with the Sheriff later in the week to discuss what they <br />could do about this situation. He did note that the quarry had been emptied at one <br />time with little or no incident. Mr. Vidovich noted the trucks did not run every day <br />and they were about half done with the project. <br />Council discussed various options included allowing fewer trucks, encouraging <br />trucks to use their radios for better communication, use of triple trucks and reduced <br />speed limits for trucks. It was agreed that Siegel and staff would attend the meeting <br />with John Vidovich and the Sheriff's Department on this subject and if necessary <br />the Council would schedule a special meeting. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Request for a tentative map for a two lot subdivision, Lands of Merrill, <br />25355 La Loma Drive (This hearing was continued from the last meeting). <br />May 19, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />10 <br />