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The following addressed the Council stating their opposition to the Merrill <br />application: Richard Aurelio, 25320 La Loma Drive, David Stewart, 25346 La Loma, <br />Alan Dale, 25274 La Loma, Cristen Vanchieri, 25333 La Loma. Mr. Aurelio believed <br />this was a precedent setting event and urged Council not to approve this annexation <br />which would give Mr. Merrill the best of both worlds (county and town). He <br />believed it was an issue of neighborhood interest vs. development interest. He <br />further commented on the existing 19,000 square foot residence with a height of 37' <br />and the arts barn which Mr. Aurelio stated did not have an approval from the <br />County. Mr. Stewart commented that La Loma could not hold the extra traffic and <br />annexation of this property was inappropriate for the rural character of the Town. <br />Mrs. Vanchieri particularly raised her concerns about sewers and Mr. Dale believed <br />the continuing escalation of development had to stop. He was particularly <br />concerned about the arts barn because of the traffic it generated. <br />The following addressed the Council stating their support of the Merrill application: <br />Dick Oliver, 25466 Adobe Lane, Victor Riches, 10410 W. Loyola, Marcia Robertson, <br />15411 Vista Sereno, Art Snyder, Mountain View, Megan McClannan, 26890 <br />Alejandro Drive and Susan McClannan, 26890 Alejandro Drive. Mr. Oliver noted <br />that it was a two acre site and saw no reason why another house could not be built. <br />The county could change its rules and now the Town had the opportunity to have <br />some control over the project. Mr. Riches, Marica Robertson, Art Snyder, Megan <br />McClannan and Susan McClannan strongly supported the arts barn. They stated <br />that the PGY Program provided a service to the community, afforded youths the <br />opportunities for worthwhile experiences and encouraged traditional family values. <br />Kieth Merrill, applicant, commented that he had met with the Pathways Recreation <br />and Parks Committee and they had worked out a location for the path. He also <br />noted that he understood that the barn would need a conditional use permit but he <br />believed this was a unique appropriate activity for a permit. He accepted the <br />proposed conditions as recommended and noted that no oak trees would be <br />removed. Mr. Merrill noted that he and his family had lived in Town for twenty <br />years and the barn had been there for three. He regretted that he and his neighbors <br />had not met and worked out some of these issues before it reached the Council <br />level. <br />Hubbard asked if the County was aware of the use of the arts barn for the PGY <br />Program. He noted that the barn shown on the plans did not match the use of the <br />barn as an arts facility and he believed that had the Town known the use it would <br />have commented on the issue when approached by the County for comments. <br />Although Hubbard believed the PGY Program was a good program, he believed it <br />required a permit even in the County. <br />May 19, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />11 <br />