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Dauber reported that they had discussed how the creek would run and both Dr. <br />Martin and Libby Lucas had agreed with the proposed plans. The creek would <br />stay above ground to go along Stonebrook on John Vidovich's land to Juan <br />Prado Mesa; Hale Creek would go into the lake. A meeting was scheduled for <br />Friday with the Water District and John Vidovich to discuss this plan. She <br />further shared her calculations that so far 275 acres of water had been put in the <br />lake with 425 more acres needed. Dauber also commented that it was called the <br />La Loma Tributary not Silver Creek. The next issue to be discussed was geology <br />and William Cotton and Associates, the Town's geologist, had gotten the <br />reports from John Vidovich. Tryon recommended that the subcommittee <br />contact other agencies involved with the creek issue such as the State Water <br />Board, the Department of Fish and Came and the Regional Water Control <br />Board. <br />7.2 Planning Issues Subcommittee <br />7.2.1 Report on Code Amendment/Interpretation Regarding Basements <br />(continued from last meeting) <br />Council decided to continue this item but did agree to make a few comments on the <br />subject. Hubbard suggested allowing a certain number of square feet for a <br />garage and counting everything else. He also inquired why the square footage <br />was different regarding a retaining wall. Dauber asked if the height of a project <br />was measured from the basement and suggested counting floor area as vertical <br />floor area of a house and count height of house from foundation. Siegel <br />recommended allowing only the minimum number of windows allowed by <br />the building code. <br />7.3 Town Handbook Subcommittee <br />Council had received a draft of the Town Handbook from Roger Burnell, Chairman <br />of the Community Relations Committee. Tryon asked Councilmembers to <br />submit any comments they had to either Mayor Pro Tem Johnson or herself as <br />members of the Council subcommittee on this project. They would prepare a <br />revised draft for Roger. <br />It was noted that once the final document was ready, the City Manager would be <br />responsible for preparing specifications for the printing of the document and <br />proceeding with the bid procedure. <br />May 19, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />