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Heritage Tree Plaques: 1' x 2', brown with white letters and a white border, to <br />include the following: Town of Los Altos Hills, Heritage Tree No. (type of <br />tree, i.e. Blue Oak), Designated by the City Council _(year)_ at a cost of <br />$100 per sign. <br />AYES: Mayor Tryon and Councilmembers Hubbard, Johnson and Siegel <br />NOES: Councilmember Dauber <br />Dauber stated that she did not agree with putting the number of the tree on the <br />plaque and also preferred including the technical name for the tree. <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Status Report on contract with Planning Consultant <br />Firm - Brian, Kangus Foulk <br />�kw Staff advised Council that the Town had received a resignation letter from <br />Brian Kangas Foulk. The Town Planner noted that BKF was willing to <br />provide the Town with a new contract for an interim contract until the <br />new Assistant Planner was on board. She further commented that she <br />had contacted other consulting firms regarding an interim contract. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Council directed the Town Planner to take any <br />action she deemed necessary toward the attainment of planning <br />consulting services on an interim basis until the new Assistant Planner <br />was on board. <br />8.1.2 Generator Project <br />The City Manager reported that power would not be run to the Heritage House <br />as they had found out this was quite costly. <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />May 19, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />