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kar <br />9.3 Library Commission Meeting (Councilmember Dauber) <br />Dauber reported the discussion at the last Library Commission Meeting on concerns <br />that the bail out money was not going to be available and this was 48% of the <br />library's income. This would affect the services made available, labor costs, etc. <br />9.4 Voting (Mayor Tryon) <br />Council discussed the voting method regarding appointment to the Planning <br />Commission. It was agreed that this vote should be made by a majority (3) of the <br />Council and the Clerk should advise Council if the vote is not a majority one. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Regulation of Truck Traffic on Stonebrook Avenue -- Urgency <br />Ordinance regarding one-way traffic for certain trucks on Stonebrook <br />Road <br />The City Manager reported that he had received a letter from the County Surveyor, <br />James Sirr, which had addressed the issue of using Stonebrook Drive to Magdalena <br />Avenue to the 280 freeway as an alternative haul route for trucks traveling to or <br />from the existing quarry site on Stonebrook. In part he addressed the following <br />concerns about this alternative: pavement not designed or constructed to support <br />heavy truck trafffic, grading would be needed to allow vehicular access and clearing <br />of oak trees to provide clearance for trucks. <br />John Vidovich, DeAnza Properties, stated that he was very concerned about the <br />trucks especially after the accident. He noted that he was in the process of filling the <br />quarry and had about twenty to twenty five days of maximum hauling remaining. <br />His solution to this issue was to reduce the speed limit to 15 mph which he believed <br />made it safer for the trucks and they stayed on their side of the road going at this <br />speed. He also offered to pay for four hours of enforcement a day by the Sheriff's <br />Department to ensure that this reduction in speed was followed. Mr. Vidovich <br />noted that the quarry itself had been there since 1935 and there was much less truck <br />traffic now with the added realization that this project would end. On the subject of <br />the end of Stonebrook, Mr. Vidovich noted that it was presently not open as a <br />through road. He was willing to work with staff but strongly believed the neighbors <br />should be contacted regarding this access road. There had been concerns about four <br />wheel drive vehicles in this area, parties, etc.; the quarry was an attractive nuisance. <br />June 2, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />