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He also commented that he was in the process of completing the reclamation plan <br />for the quarry and had a contract with the trucking company to haul the dirt to the <br />quarry but had no control over them. Mr. Vidovich did not believe staging would <br />work because of the issue of timing. <br />Mo Chambers, 12101 Stonebrook, commented that the quarry itself did look much <br />better but she was concerned about the speed of the trucks on Stonebrook. She was a <br />runner and it just was not safe. Ms. Chambers also expressed her concerns about the <br />potholes on Stonebrook and hoped that Mr. Vidovich would be responsible for <br />repairing them. <br />Marvin Henry, 10902 Stonebrook, commented on the option of opening Stonebrook <br />and noted his concerns that it could become a throughway. He also did not believe <br />Magdalena was strong or wide enough. <br />Bill Gibbons, 24737 Prospect, commented on the issue of trimming trees on private <br />property but did believe Mr. Vidovich could be required to pay for this. He too <br />expressed concerns about the potholes on Stonebrook. <br />Mr. Stevenson, 24785 Prospect, believed it was a safety issue as there was no control <br />over the trucks. He supported staging the trucks and thought this would allieviate <br />the situation. <br />Alan Dale, 25274 La Loma, believed the speed limit was important but also <br />concurred with the one way traffic for the trucks. He also supported the fire road. <br />Art Cashman, 24925 Oneonta, commented on the issue of noise pollution and also <br />stated the importance of the fire road. <br />Shirley Stevenson, 24785 Prospect, believed that the end of Stonebrook would need <br />some work to carry the trucks but it was a short distance. Magdalena was not any <br />narrower than Stonebrook. As a safety issue she believed it was better for the trucks <br />which would be empty and therefore lighter to exit Magdalena. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Bob Matthews, 12111 Stonebrook, inquired under what jurisdiction the <br />trucks were allowed and they were advised Stonebrook was a truck route and the <br />courts had not agreed with the Town's request to change this. <br />Sandra Hill, 12051 Stonebrook, commented on the issue of staging and asked how <br />she would get out of her driveway with trucks all going one way or the other. <br />June 2, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />