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06/16/1993 (3)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
06/16/1993 (3)
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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pathway map, newsletters and any other pertinent information. One option was <br />also to permit realtors to advertise in the handbook and thus help defray the costs <br />involved. Dauber commented that not everyone needed the guidelines and Siegel <br />urged caution in this time of fiscal concerns. It should not be too glossy a <br />production. <br />7.3 Data Base Subcommittee <br />Hubbard reported that there had been a meeting with Watertechnics, the computer <br />consulting firm doing the data input in the building department. The Town <br />presently had the basics of a data base system which could be expanded upon. With <br />a complete system in place, there could be sub -systems for the building, planning <br />and engineering departments and the total system would include critical <br />information for each parcel. The subcommittee would be returning to the Council <br />with a proposal. Johnson noted that other bids should be received because of the <br />amount of money involved but it was helpful that Watertechnics was so familiar <br />with the Town. Dauber cautioned against too sophisticated a system which would <br />include too much needless information. Tryon strongly supported the data base <br />system but did not believe it needed to be too sophisticated. <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Status Report on fence issue on Central Drive -- coordination <br />with County Mediation Services, Moeller and Markoff <br />The City Manager reported that this issue had been discussed at the 6/2/93 Council <br />Meeting and he had been directed by Council to see if Mrs. Moeller and Mr. Markoff <br />would be willing to participate in mediation to resolve this issue. Both did agree to <br />participate but Mr. Markoff wanted his permits to be finalled before mediation. He <br />did not believe it was right to hold his permits until mediation. <br />Mr. Markoff, 26961 Central Drive, presented a history of his project including the <br />original survey when the garage was built, the replacement of the fence and the <br />permit requirement for another survey to be done. He had spoken with Mrs. <br />Moeller about replacing the fence and believed they had agreement on the issue. <br />Presently he had the required permits for his project and wanted to get it finalled. <br />He had tried to work with Mrs. Moeller and was willing to go to mediation but did <br />not really know why this was necessary. <br />(� June 16, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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