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` Joan Moeller, 11990 Page Mill Road, considered it a boundary fence and reiterated <br />`, her conversations with Mr. Markoff and the history of her fence. She believed Mr. <br />Markoff did anything he wanted to do and she did not think it was right. <br />Council suggested that Mrs. Moeller and Mr. Markoff take part in mediation to <br />resolve this issue. It was a beneficial process and could prove effective for both of <br />them. In addition Mr. Markoff's permits should be issued if appropriate. The <br />Mayor thanked both parties for coming to the Council and explaining their concerns <br />and wished them both good luck. <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence dated June 10, 1993 <br />Council referred to the letter received from Giuliani and Kull concerning the creek <br />improvements for Adobe Creek Estates. Council noted that concrete had been <br />hauled to the site, garbage had been dumped there and it needed to be fenced. The <br />Director of Public Works noted that he had a meeting scheduled with Bill Kull on <br />Friday, June 18th to discuss the outstanding items regarding the Adobe Creek Estates <br />project. <br />Council also asked for a status report on the address changes for Moon Lane, etc.; the <br />response to the residents on Taaffe Road; and the Christopher's Lane/Page Mill <br />Road issue. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />9.1 Friedman, Tung and Bottomly (Councilmember Tryon) <br />Tryon inquired about the slides prepared by the consulting firm of Friedman, Tung <br />and Bottomly and staff responded that they were looking through the records for <br />them. <br />9.2 Letter from Richard Aurelio (Mayor Pro Tem Dauber) <br />Dauber referred to the letter Mr. Aurelio had written concerning suggestions for <br />Town planning procedures. It was agreed the Mayor would respond to this letter. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />June 16, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />