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11.2 Adoption of FY 1993-94 Operating Budget and Setting the Town's <br />Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 1993-94 -- Resolutions # <br />In response to a request from the Mayor, the City Manager explained the Gann <br />Limit. Dauber asked if the changes made during study sessions were in the budget <br />figures before them; where the $1,000 solid waste figure would go in the budget (it <br />was agreed this could be adjusted mid -year); was the animal control figure in the <br />budget; and were the publications in the City Manager's budget or in projects. <br />Dauber also commented on money allocated for tree planting. She believed <br />maintenance of trees was important and the Town should not plant trees it cannot <br />maintain. Council asked when the final budget document would be available and <br />the City Manager responded it would be ready in August. It was agreed that the City <br />Treasurer would provide Council with a document in the meantime which <br />reflected the decisions made by Council. Mayor Johnson thanked staff, the Financial <br />Consultant and the Finance Committee for all their work on a job well done. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #44-93 adopting the budget for fiscal year <br />1993-94. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #45-93 setting the Town's appropriations <br />limit for fiscal year 1993-94. <br />12. CLOSED SESSION: <br />12.1 Real Property Negotiations - Westwind Barn: Pursuant to Government <br />Code Section 54956.8 <br />12.2 Pending Litigation: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) <br />Doe v. Foothill-DeAnza Community College District, the State of <br />California and the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />12.3 Potential Litigation: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) <br />The City Council adjourned at 9:50 p.m. to a Closed Session and reconvened at 11:15 <br />p.m. <br />July 7, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />