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"l. Definition: A double access driveway is a driveway which has two curb cuts <br />which allow vehicular ingress or egress to or from a property in two places. <br />2. Policy: (a) Double access driveways are not permitted, because they give the <br />impression of doubled housing density. This is contrary to the Town General Plan <br />and Zoning and Site Development Ordinance Standards, which promote the <br />community's desire to retain the Town's rural character.; (b) Double access <br />driveways may be approved in cases where it is clear that because of inadequate sight <br />distances or other special conditions a double access driveway is needed; and (c) <br />This policy relates only to the number of entrances and exits to a property, and does <br />not govern the shape of driveways on properties." <br />AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Dauber and Tryon <br />NOES: Councilmembers Hubbard and Siegel <br />CONSENSUS: This policy will be in the Design Guidelines Booklet but if <br />Councilmembers Hubbard and Siegel wished to present modifications to the <br />Council at the next meeting they could do so before this document went to print. <br />4.12 Consideration of whether to approve or review the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation to approve the request for a tentative <br />map for a lot line adjustment, Lands of Hansen/Wayman, 11881 <br />Francemont Drive and Lot 3 of Bellucci Subdivision <br />Siegel raised the issue of the survey and Council expressed their concerns about a <br />LUF of 1.05. Siegel noted that on a final map the contour lines were not shown. He <br />suggested that one of the conditions of approval of a tentative map be that the <br />subdivider be required to file with the Town a survey showing the contour lines. It <br />was agreed the Council Subcommittee on Planning Issues (Siegel and Tryon) would <br />discuss this. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to approve the request for a tentative map for a lot line <br />adjustment for Lands of Hansen/Wayman (11881 Francemont Drive and Lot 3 of <br />Bellucci Subdivision) subject to the condition that a land survey be required prior to <br />the recording of the lot line adjustment to verify a minimum LUF of 1.01. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />5.1 Clarification of Interpretation of Natural Grade <br />July 7, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />