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It was agreed the Mayor would send a letter of thanks to Scott Ellinger for his work <br />on the Eagle Scout Project at the Heritage House. Rosemary Meyerott, Town <br />Historian, was also thanked for her work on this project. It had turned out quite <br />well and was very attractive. <br />9.3 Byrne Preserve (Councilmember Tryon) <br />Tryon asked the City Manager to review the Byrne Preserve area with the Fire <br />Marshall to address weeds/fire hazards. <br />9.4 Town Crier Letter (Councilmember Tryon) <br />Tryon referred to a recent letter in the Town Crier concerning comments about the <br />recently deceased David Bellucci. She assured the Council that she had always <br />spoken highly of Mr. Bellucci and believed the negative comments attributed to her <br />were uncalled for. <br />9.5 Community Development Block Grant Program <br />It was agreed that Mr. Takamoto, newly appointed Planning Commissioner, would <br />be asked to represent the Town on the CDBG committee. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Ruth Buneman, Chairman - Environmental Design and Protection Committee, <br />commented that she would not be able to attend the next Council Meeting at which <br />she understood two appointments to the Environmental Design and Protection <br />Committee would be on the agenda. While she did not believe their committee <br />needed to be formally increased to eight members, she asked that Council agree to <br />temporarily increase their membership to eight. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Consideration of modification of Site Development Permit <br />Condition of Approval regarding sanitary sewer connection, Lands <br />of Ramsay, 13040 Alta Lane North <br />This item was withdrawn from the agenda as the parties involved had resolved <br />their concerns. <br />C July 7, 1993 <br />�w Regular City Council Meeting <br />