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City Council Minutes
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5/28/2015 1:15:57 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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3. CONSIDERATION OF SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLES COLLECTION <br />FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH LOS ALTOS GARBAGE COMPANY <br />Tom Murtha updated the Council on the negotiations with LAGCO. He explained the <br />outstanding issues at this time included the term of the agreement and the process of <br />reporting complaints. Regarding the term of the Agreement, the Town is requesting an <br />initial term of 5 years with a 4 year extension option. This lapse would enable the Town <br />to coordinate with the City of Los Altos on a new agreement. LAGCO is requesting a 10 <br />year term as a minimum. Concerning the complaint log, the City Manager and City <br />Attorney are requesting monthly logs of citizen's complaints be provided to the Town. <br />They feel that with the limited Town staff it would be a hardship to research the list on a <br />monthly basis at LAGCO's offices. An additional issue yet to be resolved is a request by <br />the City Manager regarding the formatting of financial information from LAGCO to the <br />Town. <br />Todd Thompson, attorney for Los Altos Garbage Company, responded that the company <br />is willing to maintain the log at their offices and open it for review but feels that the log is <br />too inclusive and contains many daily calls that are not true complaints. He added that the <br />log could be misleading and is not a true reflection of service. <br />Mayor Johnson commented that he feels it is important for the Council to be able to judge <br />the level of the residents satisfaction of service from LAGCO. <br />Councilmember Tryon suggested that a survey of customers conducted by the Los Altos <br />Garbage Company regarding customer satisfaction would be a way of resolving this issue. <br />The company could sponsor an annual survey to determine customer satisfaction in lieu of <br />the monthly logs. Town staff would have input in the survey questionnaire. Records <br />would still be maintained at LAGCO offices and open to review by Town staff. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously by all members present to include in the Franchise Agreement <br />between Los Altos Hills and Los Altos Garbage Company a requirement that the <br />Franchisee sponsor and conduct an annual survey of its customers regarding service. The <br />Town will participate in the development of the survey. The Franchisee will still be <br />required to maintain a complaint log and make it available for review by the Town upon <br />request. <br />Councilmember Dauber added that she feels it is important that LAGCO be obligated to <br />communicate to the City Manager all major problems. She would like assurance that they <br />are committed to this. <br />Councilmember Siegel stated that he had several concerns with the Draft Franchise <br />Agreement before Council. He noted that the document called for a very specific rate <br />setting process and contemplates that it would be done every year but the language used <br />t4w does not mandate that it be done each year. He noted examples in the draft. <br />jnyN 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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