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$r 4. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Councilmember Tryon noted that the canyon that fronts Robleda contains high weeds and <br />presents a serious fire potential. She requested that the Fire Marshall be informed. <br />Tryon added that Staff should be monitoring the produce business on Dori Lane and <br />Robleda to ensure that they are working within the guidelines of the City's Ordinances. <br />Tryon requested a staff report from the City Manager at the October 6, 1993 City Council <br />Meeting outlining the status of the the proposed telephone service. <br />5. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned <br />at 3:10 p.m. <br />Respectfully sub tted, <br />Karen Jost <br />The minutes of the September 27, 1993 Special City Council Meeting were approved at <br />the October 6, 1993 Regular City Council Meeting. <br />Nr r. 17 <br />%fy-n, 1993 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />